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tech2 + MATE Case Study 3 – In-Home Wi-Fi Assessment
Home & Business Internet Blog | MATE | 11 June 2021
MATE is partnering with tech2, a telecommunications specialist, to help our customers get the best results from their internet service.
To ensure our mates have a quality in-home Wi-Fi experience, selected MATE customers will receive an in-home internet assessment from tech2. An experienced tech2 telco technician will visit their home, perform an in-depth diagnosis, and will then aim to resolve any issues within their home network.
Technical information
nbn technology type: Fibre to the Curb (FTTC)
MATE nbn plan speed: No Worries nbn 100/20
Case background
The customer had previously contacted our support team to report Wi-Fi issues. Specifically, the customer advised that both Wi-Fi networks (2.4GHz & 5GHz) on the modem/router seemed to drop out every 5 -7 minutes, and would then normally reconnect about 10 seconds later.
The customer advised that his MATE modem/router was located in the living room alongside the nbn Network Connection Device (NCD), and there is a brick wall between the setup and the modem/router.
The customer also advised that he had been connected with MATE for a few months, and this issue had only started to occur within the last two weeks.
tech2 in-home internet assessment
The tech2 technicians were advised by the customer of the Wi-Fi dropouts being experienced in the two-bedroom apartment. The NetComm NF18AC modem/router the customer was using was supplied by MATE.
During the initial assessment, corrosion was identified at the MDF Krone block and also at the wall plate (TO). Both were stripped back and re-terminated. Dropouts are often a sign of corrosion at the connectors for Fibre to the Curb (FTTC).
Due to the concrete walls of the apartment, the Wi-Fi signal was not consistent throughout. A TP-Link AC1300 Whole Home Mesh System (2-pack) was installed and supplied, bypassing the existing Wi-Fi of the NetComm NF18AC modem/router. This provided the customer with a solid Wi-Fi signal throughout the apartment.
Following this work, the dropout issues that the customer was experiencing were rectified. The new hardware also provided a big lift in Wi-Fi speeds – from 29Mbps download speed before the technician visit, to 91.42Mbps being recorded on the customer’s smartphone. This is a lift of almost 200%.
We have eliminated any issues with Wi-Fi or in-home connectivity.
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