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4 Benefits of a no contract mobile phone plan

According to an Australian government survey, nearly one-third of the adult residents in our country own a mobile phone but have no fixed landline at home. If you stop to take a moment to think about that number, that’s a whole lot of contracts and restrictions!

Thankfully, there are options if you don’t like the idea of being tied to a mobile phone carrier. At MATE, we believe in giving you freedom – which is why our smartphone plans never include a restrictive contract.

Here are four benefits of a no contract mobile phone plan.

Benefit #1: Huge savings

If you’re looking to save a good deal of money on your monthly bill, a no contract mobile phone plan is definitely the way to go. Most companies that offer contracted plans understand that they are locking you into a rate for an extended period of time, whether you like it or not. This generally translates into higher monthly bills and an excessive number of fees associated with your plan.

Who really wants to deal with all that? Especially if you have an entire family of smartphone users to pay for each month.

No contract mobile phone plans are a bit different. We understand that you have the freedom to take your business elsewhere if the rate becomes too high. So, we regularly offer specials and incentives to ensure you’re always getting the best service at the lowest possible cost. A win for both your peace of mind and your wallet!

Benefit #2: Total flexibility

Feeling a little talkative this month? Binge watching the latest Netflix release on your mobile phone during your lunch break? Or maybe you are traveling and have many more awesome pics than normal to upload to Instagram? What if someone you love is located in another country and you need more international minutes? We get it. Sometimes your mobile phone usage is high and sometimes it is a little lower.

But why pay for something you don’t need? With a no contract phone plan, you have total flexibility. That means you can change data plans or other features as needed instead of being locked in.

Think of it as a way of making your phone bill match your lifestyle instead of the other way around.

Benefit #3: Upgrade to a new phone when you want

We can all agree that tech changes quickly and awesome new gadgets are always being released. Have your eye on the latest Android or Apple device? Good luck switching to a new phone with a restrictive carrier. Most require you to trade in your old phone or pay an extended rental payment on your new one.

With a no contract mobile phone plan, you have the freedom to switch devices anytime you like. This gives you the ability to try out the latest device or simply utilise a used phone if your previous one suffers damage without a ton of hassle. Great, right? We think so!

Benefit #4: Great customer service

Many carriers offer no contract plans in addition to their other restrictive options. However, the quality of their customer service toward the no contract customers often diminishes or becomes virtually non-existent.

By opting to use a carrier that only offers no contract mobile phone plans, you can ensure you’re always getting the best customer service possible. (Hint: At MATE, we pride ourselves on our Australian-based team and the high level of customer satisfaction we are able to provide all of our customers.)

Are you ready to ditch your contract and find a better alternative? Find out more about switching to MATE now!