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11 essential things to do when moving house

Home & Lifestyle Blog | MATE | 31 January 2018

Relocating to a new house can be an exciting experience, especially if you’re upgrading.
But we often get caught up in the sheer amount of things that need to get done, and the whole experience can become overwhelming.

We’ve put together a list of useful tips that can help you move house with ease, settle in, and remove the stress. Enjoy!

Before You Leave

1. take the final meter readings

Did you know that you can be billed for another person’s utilities if you don’t notify your suppliers in advance?

To avoid unwanted charges or challenges from your utility supplier, remember to take water, electricity and even gas readings before you leave. Write them down and take a photograph so you have them on file.

2. plan and pack smartly

Packing to move house can be a long and tiring process, especially if you have been living somewhere for quite a while and things pile up.
To stay on top of everything and remove any additional stress from the moving day, plan ahead.

Buy boxes, categorise your belongings, label everything clearly, organise storage if you need to for extra bits and pieces, and start to throw out unwanted goods well in advance. Also, consider booking a removalist to help you on the day, any extra hands will be invaluable.

3. say goodbye to your neighbours

Even if you aren’t super-close to your neighbours, let them know that you are moving. You don’t necessarily have to do a suburb-wide door knock, but it is a nice gesture to at least get in touch with the people living around you.

You never know when you might run into them again, plus they will appreciate the heads up of a new neighbour coming to town.

4. organise a cleaner

Whether you are moving on from a rental property or it’s a house you own yourself, it’s always a good idea to leave it looking spick and span for the new tenants.

As much as you may be able to strap on the spandex gloves and fire up a bit of elbow grease yourself, you have a lot of other things on your plate too. Why not organise a cleaner who does this kind of thing every day? They’ll likely do a better job than you and it will ease your mind of another duty.

5. switch off your internet and utilities

Sometimes moving house will mean that you have a number of days in downtime and won’t need your utilities and internet to keep running. Also, if you forget to switch these things off you could get hit with a bill for resources you didn’t use.

Switch off your internet plan, gas, and electricity suppliers and organise for them to be set up at your new house. This is, of course, easier to do if you have a no-contract internet plan and won’t be hit with any cancellation fees!

6. drop the keys off to your real estate agent

Dropping the keys off to your real estate agent may seem like a simple task, but it’s easy to forget these things in the hustle and bustle of moving.

Drop your keys off, thank them for their support and help, and maintain a strong relationship. This will be beneficial if you are ever looking to rent or buy in the area again, or simply just to get your bond back.

when you arrive

7. update your address with key vendors

There are a number of key vendors you will need to inform about your house move. In some instances, you could actually be in a position of liability if you don’t update them.

Call your bank, any insurance providers (car, home etc.), update the license registry and don’t forget about the electoral roll.

8. redirect your mail

As well as updating your address with the key vendors above, it’s essential to redirect your mail from your old address to your new one. Simply visit the post office and ask them to redirect your mail to your new place. This will protect your mail from getting lost or falling into the hands of the wrong person.

9. get your internet and utilities up and running

For most people, apart from the basic needs such as water and electricity, internet is one of the first things you will want to get up and running at your new home.

Get in touch with your internet service provider in advance and make sure you can secure an installation date as soon as possible when you move in. That way, once you have your couch and TV setup you will be able to relax and enjoy the new home straight away.

10. apply for a parking permit

You may be moving to an area that requires a resident parking permit to park your vehicle on the street nearby.

It’s crucial to apply for this in advance so you won’t get hit with any fines in the first week or so of living in the new house. You can usually apply for these permits online or at the city council.

11. meet your new neighbours

Now that you have started to settle in, get to know your new neighbours. Drop in and say hi and ask them around for afternoon tea or a drink to get to know one another. You never know when you will need their help or would appreciate them looking out for your property while you aren’t around.

wrap up

By following these tips you will ensure that the move to your new house is as easy and stress-free as possible.

Remember, we’re here if you need a no-contract internet service provider with 100% Aussie support to help you get settled!