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MATE is delighted to announce a partnership with national hockey club Adelaide Fire.
MATE will become Adelaide Fire’s major partner for the up-and-coming Hockey One season due to start in October, and will also become the exclusive naming rights partner of the State Hockey Centre, to be called ‘MATE Stadium’.
MATE is incredibly excited to partner with Hockey SA and the Fire in 2021 and look forward to forging a longstanding relationship with the sport of Hockey.
“We have bold ambitions for Adelaide Fire over the next four years, both on and off-field,” said Andrew Skillern, Hockey SA, CEO. “To kick off 2021 with a major partnership with an award-winning company such as MATE puts us in a strong position.”
As part of the major partnership, MATE’s logo will take pride and place on the back of the Adelaide Fire players playing jerseys in 2021.
An excited General Manager of MATE, Mark Fazio, said “we love the opportunity to partner with a sport that provides equal opportunities to both male and female athletes. It is fantastic to align with Hockey SA and Adelaide Fire who have their feet both in grassroots and high-performance sport across the state,” he said.
“This partnership also resonates with MATE’s core strategy, being an underdog that competes against the big guys on a national scale. We have built our business from the ground up, taking market share from the big players in the telco space. Competitive spirit and determination to succeed are at the heart of what we do, and this is exactly what we see in Hockey and Adelaide Fire.”
To find out more about Adelaide Fire, visit the Hockey One website.
Follow them on Facebook: Adelaide Fire | Twitter: @AdelaideFireH1 | Instagram: @AdelaideFireH1