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7 ways to check and improve your internet connectivity
Home & Business Internet Blog | MATE | 27 March 2018

If you are noticing sluggishness on a home or work network, the issue doesn’t always relate to your Internet provider. As a matter of fact, in a majority of cases, it doesn’t. There are numerous variables that need to be addressed when your internet connectivity is out of sync.
As VOIP and other Internet-based technologies grow and evolve throughout Australia, the need for consistently good Internet connectivity is more important than ever. Here are a few things you can do to troubleshoot a seemingly bad connection and get things running more smoothly.
1. Run a speed test
The first thing to check is the actual data flow rate both upstream to and downstream from a fixed location using your provider’s Internet connection. For the most accurate results, it is recommended that a direct connection between the provider and the device running the test be established.
You can easily run a speed test by searching for “internet speed test” on Google.
2. Note your upload and download speeds
Upload speeds and download speeds are drastically different, as evidenced by your speed test. Uploads are typically only 5 to 10 percent of the download speed. This is completely normal for most home and business connections. If a wired connection is not serving 80% or better of your provider’s maximum advertised speed, contact the provider for assistance.
3. Count the number of devices on your network
The more data flowing over your Internet connection there is at one time, the more of an effect it will have on network performance and internet connectivity. Your Internet connection serves a limited amount of bandwidth over a single connection. When data usage approaches that limit, it becomes more difficult for network devices like cable modems to adequately serve all connected devices at once.
4. Check data usage on individual devices
If you have three TVs running streaming services, and other devices like computers, smartphones, and other wireless devices all vying for bandwidth, the network starts to ration its data. This inevitably slows down data flow but has nothing to do with the quality of your Internet connection. Your router’s DNS log should be able to tell you which devices are connected and how much bandwidth they consume individually.
5. Disconnect unnecessary devices
Get into the habit of un-pairing devices from the network that uses bandwidth when not in use. Consider turning off unused mobile devices so they are not constantly querying the network. All exchanges of data put a degree of strain on your internet connectivity. Use what you need and conserve where you can.
6. Determine overall data use
This is especially important in corporate environments where network needs might increase over time. It might be necessary to switch to a higher-speed connection or segment your network into multiple high-speed connections to ensure proper levels of data flow to meet productivity needs. In some cases, multiple incoming data lines are also necessary for residential networks, but those instances are rare.
7. Upgrade to the latest router and firmware
The control panel for your router, television, or other network-connected devices (see product manuals for access instructions) should give you the option to either “check for updates” or “update firmware.” It is highly recommended to check for updates regularly or set networked devices to do so automatically at predetermined intervals.
Keeping up with the latest versions of firmware and driver software will ensure a more consistent connection and eliminate the need for time-consuming troubleshooting measures.
Wrap up
If, after checking all of the above, your internet connectivity issue has not been resolved, please seek help from customer support for your affected device, hardware provider, or internet service provider.
If you believe your connectivity issues relate directly to MATE, feel free to contact us directly with your questions or concerns. As always, we strive to provide top-quality Australian-based customer service solutions to all of our customers.