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Unfortunately, transferring (porting) an existing landline telephone number from one service provider (Carrier) to another is an archaic and almost entirely manual process that can take anywhere between 2 – 6 weeks to complete.
MATE can transfer (port) your current landline telephone number from an existing provider, as long as this landline telephone number is active – this means you must currently be paying a bill for this landline.
If your landline telephone number is cancelled or disconnected by your current provider either before or during the porting process, we will be unable to complete the port.
When transferring (porting), the gaining Carrier (in this case, MATE) submits a request to the losing Carrier (in this case, your current/previous provider). This process only commences once your nbn internet service has been activated with MATE.
The losing Carrier must manually accept the port out. If the port out request is accepted, a cutover date is provided – this is an approximate date as to when your landline telephone number will be ported (transferred) to MATE.
The earliest available cutover date is provided by the losing carrier and if this slot is available for the gaining carrier then it is confirmed. If both carriers do not have a matching slot available, the dates are pushed back until a date is confirmed and agreed. The cutover date will be emailed to you once this is provided.
The most common reasons or lengthy delays for ports include:
- incorrect information being provided (such as supplying the wrong account number)
- complex service(s) associated with the number (for example, there is more than one landline telephone number on the bill with your current/previous provider)
If you have more than one landline telephone number on the same bill with your current/previous provider), then you must disassociate this onto a separate account with your current provider. Once this is done, a new port request will take place.
MATE offers a residential grade home phone service and will not initiate any complex porting requests with multiple landline services associated.