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7 Tips to prepare an nbn™ ready home

Australia is getting an upgrade and your home is ready, now what?

National Broadband Network (nbn™) project is designed to provide high-speed Internet and phone service to the entire population of Australia. Nbn™ ready homes have all the kinks worked out, so the new network will work at its best.
nbn™ takes care of giving you access to the network, but it is up to you to take the next steps and get connected. Here are seven tips to prepare your nbn™ ready home for high-speed service.

1. Consider your need for speed

Sit down and consider realistically how much speed you need from the network. One TV, computer, and phone need less than five streaming smart televisions and four kids on tablet computers and smartphones.

Necessary speed is something you’ll need to know when assessing your options and picking a plan with a service provider. Speed is offered by nbn™ in tiers:

  • nbn™ Basic which is barebones
  • nbn™ Standard provides between 15 to 25Mbps download speeds and 5Mbps upload
  • nbn™ Premium provides between 60 to 100Mbps download speeds and 40Mbps upload
  • nbn™ Standard Plus provides between 30 to 50Mbps download speeds and 20Mbps

A home that connects to multiple devices, gaming and streaming services need a higher level plan like the Premium service. Someone with limited usage could get by with Standard, though.

2. What kind of connection do you need?

Wired networks with Category 6 cabling offer the most speed. That’s the gold standard but it might not be what you have in place.
Various nbn™ connection types include:

  • FTTP – The home is directly connected to the network
  • FTTN – The neighborhood is connected to the network via a node. Houses connect to the node using the current copper infrastructure
  • FTTB – The building is connected to the network giving each apartment access
  • FTTC – The fibre goes to the curb in front of the house and connects to the structure via the current copper phone lines.
  • HFC Cable – Repurposed technology that is based on coaxial cable.
  • Fixed Wireless – House connects to the network via 4G radio signals
  • Satellite – House connects to the network via two satellites

Most speed tiers will be available for these connection types but there may be some variance, so it’s good to know what you have before picking a plan.

3. Find an internet service provider

When shopping around for internet service providers, consider things like how much bandwidth they feature in each plan and if they have good customer service. Ask friends and family which provider they use and look at reviews before making a selection. You’ll also want to consider if you want a month-to-month plan or if you are willing to sign a long-term contract.

4. Pick a modem

Start by checking with your Internet service provider because they will provide information about the modem you need. If you already have a modem, make sure it is nbn™ compatible. But if you purchased it in the last few years, it is probably already set up and ready to go.

Replace an old modem by dropping it off at a government-sponsored recycling point.

5. Do you need a router?

A modem and router are two separate devices, although some modems have built-in wireless and serve as both. A modem connects your home to the nbn™ Internet network. The router allows you to wirelessly connect different devices to the network.

If you have a router or plan to purchase one, make sure it can support the high-speed service that comes with the National Broadband Network. If you are unsure, check with the manufacturer or your service provider before buying.

6. What about a phone service?

The nbn™ replaces traditional landline networks. Instead, you have access to a fibre phone that makes calls over the network but you may pay a separate standalone service fee to use it.

Some Internet providers over a bundled package that combines the Internet and phone fees for more value. If you choose a standalone service, you might incur set-up fees but pay less per month.

7. Know when you need to connect to the nbn™

Once your neighbourhood is nbn™ ready, you have 18 months to make the switch. After that grace period, your current Internet service will disappear.

If you don’t know when your neighbourhood was upgraded, find out if you still need time to find a service provider and get ready. Otherwise, you’ll without Internet or phone service.The National Broadband Network will change things for the better. If your home if nbn™ ready, take the steps necessary to get connected and enjoy high-speed service.