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my nbn order is in a HELD status, what happens now?

If your nbn™ order has gone into a HELD status, this means that nbn™ has advised that a “network shortfall” has prevented your appointment from being completed.

A network shortfall means your address is not yet ready to be connected to nbn™ and further work (usually relating to nbn infrastructure) is required before your internet connection can be established.

When a network shortfall issue is identified, nbn™ enacts what is called a Planned Remediation Date (PRD) for this issue to be resolved. This date is NOT an appointment or a connection date, but a date nbn™ intends to resolve the identified issue.

If your nbn™ order goes into a HELD status, it will be assessed by the nbn™ HELD orders team and a Planned Remediation Date (PRD) should be provided within 5 – 10 business days.

As soon nbn™ provides a Planned Remediation Date (PRD) for your order we will advise you of this date. Once a Planned Remediation Date (PRD) has passed and/or an issue is resolved, nbn™ will remove your order off HELD status and we can then reschedule your installation appointment to connect your internet service.

Please keep in mind that while we understand any delays with your nbn connection can be incredibly frustrating, MATE has absolutely no control over this process – all connections are managed by nbn™ directly using private contractors.